The Word

Trust Me,He says

As you all know, alot has been happening around the world since the last time I posted here. Today’s message is just to encourage the children of God in what seem to be ‘perilous’ times. I don’t mean to downplay the events happening worldwide but I want to tell you that through it all,God is in control. It doesn’t matter what we see, He is working. 

The Spirit of God reminded me about my first post this year that encouraged us to focus on Jesus (link here). Beloved, now more than ever, let us focus on Jesus. He is our only hope and strength. 

Do you Trust Me?

On Sunday, the Lord asked me,”Do you trust me?”

“Of course I do Lord,” I responded.

Today I’m asking you, “Do you trust God?” If you have responded in the affirmative (you do) then why are you in panic stocking up on toilet paper? 

And if you don’t trust God and you are a believer,its time to ask yourself, why is this the case? Why are you panic buying really if you really trust God? 

Would we really be hiding in our homes and applying social distancing if we claim that we trust God? By the way,in my country Kenya social distancing is a myth because many of us use public transport and we sit so close to each other, majority of our people have blue collar jobs so they have to be in close proximity with each other. We cannot possible afford to hide in our homes otherwise many families will sleep hungry. 

Do we really, truly trust God and believe that He will protect us? That no harm will come our way as He has promised us in Psalms 91? That brings me to this…..

Living in the Word

  • Whose voice have you been listening to in these last few weeks? Is it the world’s through the media or God’s? 
  • Have you been spending time in the word of God or you’re subscribed to the latest news on corona? 
  • Who are you looking to protect you? Who have you placed your hope in? Is it your government or God? 
  • Are you living in faith or in fear?
  • Are you going to church or church is cancelled till this passes?
  • Whose voice is loudest in your life in this season? 

God is calling us back to His Word. He says in Joshua 1:8 that:

The only way to conquer the fear that so many of us have right now is by meditating on God’s word, because His word renews our minds. God’s word replaces the lies that the world has whispered to us and provides truth. 

He says in Psalms 23:4 TPT that: 

The Lord wants us to turn off our television sets, get off social media,  turn off the noise of the world and get in His Word. We have to study our Bibles, meditate on His word day and night, remind Him of what He’s said by declaring it. Because that is where the truth is. 

Otherwise storms of life will come and those who do not know their God will be swept away by the winds. 

Lastly He has also promised us that when the enemy comes in, that the Spirit of the Living God shall raise up a standard against Him (Isaiah 59:19) so why should we be afraid?

For those who will dwell and focus on Him,He has promised to keep us in perfect peace according to Isaiah 26:3-4.

Focus on Jesus

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