Real Talk

Be still, He says

Has God ever told you to do something and you went against it? Maybe you felt the instructions that He’s given you were contrary to your plans or you felt that you know better. Well you’re in good company, because I do this a lot! If there’s one thing that I am learning, it’s that obeying 100% God is not easy because it means getting out of the driver’s seat and letting God do His job. And it’s particularly more difficult for those that have control issues.

Why am I talking about this?

For me, this last month has been tough. I have been going through a certain situation at work and decided that I had had enough. So I decided that I was going to quit (despite not having another job offer) before seeking God because I somehow managed to convince myself that He is in support of this decision. I however asked one of my friends to pray for me just to seek God’s face in this decision and what He said was exactly the opposite of what I wanted to hear. I felt disappointed and hurt.

I even started thinking that maybe He doesn’t have good plans for me, that He’s cool with me going through all this, why can’t He see. I was really upset with Him, I actually contemplated quitting salvation.

What have I learnt from this experience?

I’ve learnt that we can make our plans but God’s will always prevails. In my case, the scripture I was given by my friend is proverbs 16:9

“A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”

I’ve also learnt that I will not always get what I want because what I want is not always what’s best for me.

You say, “I am allowed to do anything, “but not everything is good for you. You say, “I am allowed to do anything,” but not everything is beneficial. – 1st Corinthians 10:23

Also I still have a long way to go with regards to dealing with the flesh especially when it comes to things like my emotions. I don’t know about you, but I desperately need heart surgery because that came out clearly in this season that I have been in.

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. – Psalms 51:10

Most importantly, to trust God for He has better plans for me and while I may not understand why I have to stay in a job I no longer enjoy, there is something He wants to do. This goes hand in hand with learning to be patient. Many times we will not understand why God takes us through certain things, we just have to be still and know that He is God.Don’t give up on Him.

The devil would like us to take our eyes off God and focus on our situation but God says to focus on Him.

Lord, teach us how to wait on you.

3 Comments on “Be still, He says

  1. You’re definitely not alone! I have been in these types of situations where I am so over a job and ready to leave. I remember venting to God one day about a job I was on and He said “As long as you are here I will take care of you.” Those words have stuck with me on every job even though it was years ago. He will do the same for you. 😊

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