Musings - The Word

The Power of Agreement

“I also tell you this: If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you. For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”
Matthew 18:19‭-‬20 NLT

I never quite understood what this bible verse meant till last year when a couple of my friends and I had met to pray over one of us and I remember sensing that we were all united in the spirit. We were all flowing so well that the presence of the Holy Spirit came down powerfully. I’ve often pondered on that particular day and I now realize how important it is for we as believers to begin to understand what a powerful force we are when we are all in one accord.

Acts 4:32 says that,

All the believers were united in heart and mind. And they felt that what they owned was not their own, so they shared everything they had.”

No wonder the Holy Spirit was able to use them to do exploits for the kingdom of God. The Holy Spirit loves it when we are united. That’s when He’s able to use us because the focus is on Jesus and not ourselves . Remember that the spirit and the flesh cannot coincide so when we put aside our flesh, then He (Holy Spirit) can move.

One of the weapons that Satan has been using against the body of Christ is to divide us on the basis of denominations, tribe,race etc. Can you imagine what we could achieve as the body of Christ if we put aside all these divisions amongst us and came together?If we place the Lord at the centre and stop all the sideshows as a church?

Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?
Amos 3:3 NLT

As the body of Christ we have to stop tearing one another down and and begin to work together. Just as the hand or foot cannot properly function without the smallest finger or toe because everybody part is equally as important so are we. We need one another to be able to properly function.

Church of Jesus Christ, let’s unite and we will do exploits for the Kingdom of God