• Real Talk

    Mistakes we Make

    We had been down this pregnancy scares and emergency contraception road many times but we didn’t learn from our mistakes.  A few weeks later, her period is late and we both panic. It evident that she was pregnant. What were we going to do about it?  The first and only…

  • Real Talk

    Abortion Affects Men Too

    A few weeks ago, my message was on God promising to rebuild and restore us (link available here) and immediately after I had put it up I started googling the word rebuild and restore to find a correlation between the two words and the 1st page that came up belongs…

  • Real Talk

    To abort or not: I chose life

    I never really thought that we would get to the point where we would begin to talk about legalizing abortion, especially in an African country. Somehow, I always thought that we ALL valued life. In Africa, family is a big deal and children are considered a blessing. But how fast…