Mind Transformation Challenge - The Word - Vlog Posts

Renew. Regenerate. Revive. Rebuild

Hey guys! I know that its been a while since I last posted here but I am back after being away.

Let’s talk about renewal and this is a topic that the Holy Spirit has been ministering to me about so I thought that I’d share it with you all today. 

We all know Roman’s 12:2 that says,

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” 

This is one of the Bible verses that I have quoted the most this year because I have realized how much I need God to come and change me.

Last year, I hosted a 28 day challenge on this (here’s the link) and at the time I thought that I was done with this topic. What I didn’t realize at the time is that it was just the beginning of my journey with because it’s a daily affair. 

But first…

Let’s define renewal. It is a process in which something is improved after being in bad condition (according to Cambridge Dictionary).

Merriam Webster, in my opinion. gives a more detailed description. According to this dictionary to be renewed means:

a) To make something new,to restore to freshness, vigor and perfection.

b) To make new spiritually- REGENERATE.

c) To restore to existence- REVIVE.

d) To make extensive changes in – REBUILD.

e) To begin again.

It is a RESTORATION of what had become faded or disintegrated so that it becomes like new. 


As I have been mulling on this topic, I’ve been amazed at how God works. Whenever we encounter God and allow Him, He begins to make EVERYTHING new in our lives. Nothing He touches even remains the same. He is a God of NEW THINGS but we must give Him permission first for Him to begin renewal process.

Other than our minds, there are other areas that He wants to change. The question is will you yield to Him?

This is the introductory part of this post as I don’t make it too long so look out for part 2  next week. 

In the meantime, check out my 1st YouTube vlog on this topic as well here…

conforming vs. transformation

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